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關於中秋節的英語手抄報 關於中秋節的英語手抄報寫什麼

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關於中秋節的英語手抄報 關於中秋節的英語手抄報寫什麼

1、中秋節,時在農曆八月十五,滿月當空。Mid-Autumn Festival is held on the 15th day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar with full moon at night.

2、中秋之月最圓最亮,象徵闔家團圓。The moon is the brightest and roundest on this day which means family reunion.

3、月餅多為油酥麪皮包裹甜而厚的餡料。Most mooncakes have a pastry skin enveloping a sweet, dense filling.

4、家人在中秋節分食月餅,寓意全家團團圓圓。The sharing and eating of round mooncakes among family members during the festival signify the completeness and unity of families.