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was怎麼讀 was如何讀

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was怎麼讀 was如何讀


2、相關短語:was born 出生、was sent 被髮送、when i was young 我小的時候;當我年輕的時候。there was a time 歷史上有一時期。

3、相關例句:He was fined 200 dollars.他被罰款200美元。

4、I think your last argument was a diversion to make us forget the main point.我認為你最後的那個論點是在轉移目標,以便我們忘掉要點。

5、The girl charged with murder was said to be mad and unfit to plead.據說那個被指控謀殺的女孩是瘋子,不能為自己申辯。
